Sun Jun 2 2024 22:58:00 UTC
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281 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
37148 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Feature to choose a custom relief setting for drop shadow in character dialog 2013-02-07
41606 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Sound compliance between MS and Impress 2013-02-07
42352 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Help: import of bitmaps promised for page background 2013-08-07
45963 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Line Spacing tool 2013-06-15
49200 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Decimal tab does not work with integers (implied decimal) 2013-06-08
53452 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Add ability to merge presentations with multiple masters 2013-02-07
53743 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Bitmap export should be possible in the filling/ background dialog 2013-08-07
54002 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Formatting Text at all levels in one click 2013-02-07
54003 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Header & Footer formatting 2013-02-07
54919 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Numbers start wrong after a not numbered paragraph 2013-02-07
56666 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- play all effects at once for outlines 2013-07-30
62356 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Extend slideshow style to charts 2014-04-24
64303 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- General improvements for gradients 2013-02-07
66075 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- More options for the text contour: contour width, contour color and text color 2013-02-07
69828 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Impress remove bullets or numbering 2014-02-25
80863 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Object Alpha Channel 2013-02-07
81356 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Impress: pasting across files messes up bullet style 2013-02-07
81704 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Graphics versus Presentation Styles 2013-02-07
82560 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Colour toolbar button does not keep selected colourd 2014-06-07
82617 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- missing feature for numbering 2013-06-08
99676 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Make diagrams/tables themable for templates 2013-02-07
104397 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Problems when inserting a calc in Impress 2015-04-18
104768 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- custom date format not available in slide footer 2014-06-14
111661 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Field Date: does not permit variable setup, nor does it take system settings 2013-02-07
113027 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Chinese charecters appear on pdf. files 2013-01-29
115755 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Add Ability to change text highlight/background 2013-09-25
115981 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Power point 2013-01-29
118198 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Require option to select to print handouts with or without slides framed 2013-02-07
120520 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- OpenOffice 3.4 - Item animation not working 2013-04-03
120626 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- [Crash] OO crash when openning number&bullet odp sample file 2014-06-09
121116 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Page margins change unexpectedly when changing from Landscape to Portrait 2014-11-16
121218 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Hyperlinks visited and unvisited. Hyperlinks, once visited, do not take the "visited hyperlink" colour specified by user in tools. 2019-11-15
121973 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Template could not include in the right panel-[Available for use] 2019-11-15
122269 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Distribution->Spacing unevenly distributes last element? 2013-06-18
123716 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- direct copy and pasting 2020-10-25
125113 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Inconsistent chart formatting when imported from Calc 2015-04-18
125611 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- AOO does weird things if one tries to use multiple master pages with different bullet styles 2014-11-23
61652 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Cannot modify "Indents and Spacing" within Master pages 2013-02-07
99016 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Justified bulletted list paragraph should have last line aligned to the left 2013-02-07
95499 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- data fields in rfc3339-like format eg. 2008-10-26 2013-02-07
126232 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Area style/filling showing text overlaid on floating table toolbar 2015-04-10
126455 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- wrong scaling of images which leads to a cropping problem 2015-08-09
127005 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Maximizing Line Width of borders makes them overlap and go out of the slide 2016-07-19
127448 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- On the maximized page format, maximum Below paragraph value is changed without notifying user 2017-06-21
127955 Impress formatti issues UNCO --- Premature bullets showing during slide show when using a gradient background 2019-04-12
118739 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Down the bullet or numbering level and uper it's level again, couldn't back to original setting 2017-05-20
118790 Impress formatti issues CONF --- All the customized bullets/numbering will lost after pastted 2017-05-20
119853 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]placeholder in pptx changed in AOO3.4 2012-09-14
19340 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Make different paragraph styles within a textbox as well as character styles possible 2013-08-07
34106 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Fit text to frame 2013-02-07
38321 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Bad implementation of Order Window 2017-05-20
41138 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress does not display the Hyperlink formatting tab 2017-05-20
41756 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Hyperlinks don't work when embedded in a table 2017-05-20
42330 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Automatic Font Color Setting choses black font color on dark grey backgrounds 2013-02-07
43494 Impress formatti issues CONF --- hyperlinks should support word wrap 2013-02-07
43937 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Automatic font resizing sorely missed / text box incompitence 2014-04-21
45251 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Only one summary slide is created 2017-05-20
46858 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Formulæ in Impress should accept styles and be able to be anchored 2013-02-07
47519 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Shadow color always black 2013-08-07
49704 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Wrong text positions 2013-08-07
49705 Impress formatti issues CONF --- wrong image and text positions 2013-08-07
49721 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [oo 1.9.104]"undo" leaves style after "paste" 2017-05-20
49776 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Can't transfer text formatting to new slide template. 2017-05-20
50404 Impress formatti issues CONF --- control-space doesn't insert non-breaking space 2017-05-20
50718 Impress formatti issues CONF --- sub/superscript should be the same for WriterCore and EditEngine 2013-08-07
51171 Impress formatti issues CONF --- problem aligning text in Impress 2013-08-07
51226 Impress formatti issues CONF --- "delay between characters" feature keeps reverting to 0.0% 2017-05-20
51569 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Faulty numbering alignment in RTL import 2013-08-07
52655 Impress formatti issues CONF --- ppt display breaks between 1.4 and 2.0 2017-05-20
53896 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Punctuation not recognized correctly in Right-to-Left paragraphs 2017-05-20
54063 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Color pull down menu should not synch with selection 2013-02-07
54385 Impress formatti issues CONF --- finer granularity timing for custom animations 2014-04-28
55510 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress add a line to the last page when change margin 2017-05-20
55854 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Org chart keeps resizing itself upon update 2017-05-20
57904 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Layer control from Version 1.1. discontinued 2014-05-06
58084 Impress formatti issues CONF --- background displayed incorrectly in Slide Show view 2017-05-20
58086 Impress formatti issues CONF --- wrong item background during animation 2017-05-20
58087 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Image distorted in Slide Show view 2017-05-20
58591 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Underlined text at end of line doesn't appear with custom animation 2017-05-20
59172 Impress formatti issues CONF --- enhance Presentation creation wizard 2013-02-07
60070 Impress formatti issues CONF --- title field properties change from master to slide 2017-05-20
66935 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Tabulator overlaps characters. Testcase Impress-9 German 2013-08-07
67390 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Implement the Blinking font effect in Impress 2014-04-21
69974 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Numbering acquired direct formatting attributes of text 2014-04-24
70381 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Presentation preview shows FontWork backwards in CTL app 2013-08-07
71194 Impress formatti issues CONF --- The position of the under line is not fit on CJK text 2013-08-07
71199 Impress formatti issues CONF --- shape mouse interactions are to complicated for shapes without fill and outline 2017-05-20
71321 Impress formatti issues CONF --- right-click, format does not format the word clicked 2017-05-20
71875 Impress formatti issues CONF --- spaces between Latin and Asian characters are fontless 2013-08-07
72466 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Error in the visualization in presentation 2017-05-20
73454 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Hanging indent refuses to go 2013-08-07
73553 Impress formatti issues CONF --- TextEngine does not handle manual line breaks correctly 2013-08-07
73836 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Powerpoint's "AutoFit Text" Feature is Desirable 2017-05-20
74382 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [ja] preset asian-fonts of masterpages are not existing on OSs 2013-08-07
74429 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Adding a chart to a presentation with dark background 2017-05-20
74706 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Visio drawings paste into MS Powerpoint and opened in NeoOffice looks wrong 2013-08-07
74884 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Bitmap Object association control 2014-04-27
75646 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress: bullet position is displayed wrongly after undo 2013-08-07
75667 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Title box does not follow rotation of background "title area". 2017-05-20
77191 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Automatic text colour gives white on white 2013-08-07
81465 Impress formatti issues CONF --- No equation background control 2013-02-07
82041 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Vertical Text does not align (either click toolbar icon or right click paragraph format) 2017-05-20
82457 Impress formatti issues CONF --- The indent of outlines disappear when I change the thickness of line of text box. 2017-05-20
82564 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Preview of selected font color 2014-04-21
83576 Impress formatti issues CONF --- iacute character wrongly positioned (only in fullscreen) 2017-05-20
84124 Impress formatti issues CONF --- "Right-to-Left" Style is not Preserved When saving a Presentation 2013-02-07
85154 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Incorrect text rotation 2013-08-07
86998 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Some format -text options can be applied to only one text object at a time 2014-04-25
88107 Impress formatti issues CONF --- No word wrap for footer field in master slide 2017-05-20
88684 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Stylist in Impress shows whole lot of unclear style names 2013-01-29
88876 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Connectors don't update when animating the shapes that they're connecting. 2017-05-20
88926 Impress formatti issues CONF --- setting font for entire selected slide's title does not apply for hebrew text 2017-05-20
89596 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Remove effects at once 2013-02-07
89696 Impress formatti issues CONF --- handout layout don't change after changing of the page layout 2017-05-20
89996 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Load style not in Impress, only in Writer 2013-02-07
90225 Impress formatti issues CONF --- title text: format 'text' -> 'text' 'text anchor' doesn't work 2017-05-20
90566 Impress formatti issues CONF --- optional hyphen doesn't work in Impress 2013-08-07
90576 Impress formatti issues CONF --- in notes-view (and in pdf-include-notes-export) there are many empty slides or the slides are upset (to narrow) 2017-05-20
91314 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Unable to apply animation to single characters 2013-02-07
92209 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Improperly placed borders around images 2017-05-20
93033 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Format > Text command disabled for title and outline frames 2017-05-20
93499 Impress formatti issues CONF --- (Object Animation) Repeat until next click not works. 2017-05-20
93683 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress styles have spurious effects when copy/paste or export 2017-05-20
93699 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress unreasonably limits the position of images 2017-05-20
94297 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Distince to border resets 2017-05-20
94338 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Table border style fails to change upon selection under certain conditions. 2017-05-20
94340 Impress formatti issues CONF --- error while moving table column separators 2017-05-20
94646 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Rectangle/Square shapes with a side of zero length 2013-02-07
94885 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Undo of edit Fontwork text does not change the text immediately 2017-05-20
94923 Impress formatti issues CONF --- "Right align" and "Centered" do not work correctly. 2017-05-20
95956 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Resizing of .asf video results in a large "letter box" effect 2017-05-20
96151 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Superscript, subscript fail in conversion to .ppt 2013-08-07
96479 Impress formatti issues CONF --- colors list of the table cells: sort them 2014-04-23
96483 Impress formatti issues CONF --- table has fancy background color with blank (no) template 2014-05-05
96656 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Fill Format Mode does not work for Presentation Styles 2017-05-20
97489 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Text Toolbars disappearing after focus change 2013-08-07
98526 Impress formatti issues CONF --- No text on Outline view after saving a .ppt file as .ppt from OO Impress 2021-02-23
99480 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Templates in Impress use not installed font 2017-05-20
99687 Impress formatti issues CONF --- outline to presentation heading 2 malfunction 2017-05-20
99843 Impress formatti issues CONF --- ppt bullet undo (move left) does not work correctly 2017-05-20
100079 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Probem in Invisible feature of Area Style/Filling in Table Properties 2017-05-20
100194 Impress formatti issues CONF --- properties of text box has changed 2013-08-07
100340 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Changing one out line level, makes another change as well - styles can't be changed properly in ppt file 2017-05-20
100426 Impress formatti issues CONF --- copy frame from writer paste in impress doesn't display properly 2017-05-20
102192 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress: subscript text changes line spacing 2017-05-20
102612 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Highlighting (background colour for selected text) 2015-09-02
102680 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress - master pages scramble layouts 2017-05-20
102765 Impress formatti issues CONF --- wrong text-color if background is changed to black 2017-05-20
102965 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Open ppt or odp file with all text properities set to "Resize Shape To Fit Text" 2013-08-07
103494 Impress formatti issues CONF --- object styles are difficult to use 2013-02-07
103548 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress subscript text gets condensed 2017-05-20
103842 Impress formatti issues CONF --- In the version 3.1 with Impress,a slide is not the same at design time than at presentation time 2017-05-20
104113 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Wrong formating of first page of .ppt presentation 2013-08-07
104286 Impress formatti issues CONF --- pptx of ms is meshed up 2013-08-07
104872 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [ZH] Insert fields (Date and Time) were not localized 2013-02-07
104878 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Paragraph layout - Tabs don't show before the paragraph 2017-05-20
104907 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [ZH] Chinese numbering changed when number is more than 3 2013-02-07
104938 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Emphasis mark missed and Underlining color became font color when slide shows 2017-05-20
104939 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [ZH] Forbidden character: Allow hanging punctuation doesn't work well 2013-02-07
105105 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Texts show strange vertical alignment in a Vertical Text frame. 2013-02-07
105281 Impress formatti issues CONF --- letters are not in place 2013-08-07
105580 Impress formatti issues CONF --- issue while spliting the columns 2017-05-20
105582 Impress formatti issues CONF --- first apply color to a column the split the cell it will shows two diffrent colors for each cell 2017-05-20
105846 Impress formatti issues CONF --- font changed, cause bad layout 2013-08-07
106101 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Formatting bullets on master slide 2013-08-07
106112 Impress formatti issues CONF --- ability to create new presentation styles 2014-05-02
106600 Impress formatti issues CONF --- height in master slide 2017-05-20
106642 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Style links are lost when I open my presentation in another client 2017-05-20
108277 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Replace picture looses animation 2017-05-20
109474 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Inconsistency of Border sharing when I do splitting of cells. 2017-05-20
109476 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Inconsistency of Cell Color while doing vertical or horizontal splitting in a Table. 2017-05-20
109478 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Splitting a cell and inserting a new row, inserts the split row in the table. 2017-05-20
109871 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Slide formatting not backwards compatible 2017-05-20
110017 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Defining custom gradients in Impress should be easier 2014-04-16
110310 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Custom Animation as style attribute 2014-04-29
111605 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Hyperlink text stucked on one line in impress 2017-05-20
111660 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Field "File Name" does not accept format change 2017-05-20
111893 Impress formatti issues CONF --- text flows on custom polygons lost on saving 2017-05-20
111951 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Text direction wrong in empty <Title,vertical text> layouts slide 2017-05-20
112219 Impress formatti issues CONF --- No Resize of Basic Shape Rectangle, Rounded When Custom Style Applied 2017-05-20
112267 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Numbering/bullets - width of numbering: better default setting (Numbering alignment apparently doesn't work) 2017-05-20
112341 Impress formatti issues CONF --- merged cells in table affect non-merged cell minimum height 2017-05-20
112810 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Auto size not compatible with microsoft office 2013-08-07
114689 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Small Page Size Breaks Boxes Format after Saving and Reopening the File 2017-05-20
114777 Impress formatti issues CONF --- PDF Export: misaligned images 2013-08-07
114955 Impress formatti issues CONF --- better defaults: bul/col/sho - Bullet point Lists: hide empty bullets 2017-05-20
115222 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Footer formating in PPT-files 2013-04-25
115833 Impress formatti issues CONF --- scale width is not saved if you choose ppt format 2013-08-07
116068 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Rows / colums of tables should be displayed one after another 2013-02-07
116842 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Changing slide “Layout” twice messes slide content 2017-05-20
116884 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Suggestion for development of student usability in Impress 2013-02-07
117175 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress does not properly display powerpoint slide 2014-07-16
117227 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Limit on the left spacing in Table Properties is less than the cell width. 2017-05-20
117229 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Cannot immediately undo spacing to content value change in the Table Properties 2017-05-20
117768 Impress formatti issues CONF --- display errors 2013-08-07
118401 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress Content window allows text outside of Slide boundaries 2013-02-07
118406 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Spell check is not working correctly 2014-11-21
119129 Impress formatti issues CONF --- cannot change bullet color in master 2013-01-29
119190 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Applying minimum width size when using up/down arrows is more than minimum amount setting 2013-01-29
119191 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Applying minimum width size multiple times causes pane view of slide to continue changing 2013-01-29
119192 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Undoing a width slide change using ctrl-z will cause slide to show half-on the page 2013-01-29
119425 Impress formatti issues CONF --- MS Powerpoint-.pptx presentations, the spreadsheets are not displayed properly-they are jumbled in Impress presentations 2012-06-13
119582 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]There is blank space between bullet and text with the sample .pptx file 2012-07-17
119584 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]There is blank space between bullet and text with the sample .pptx file 2012-07-17
119705 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]]The direction of some Exit animation effects are reverse 2012-07-17
119745 Impress formatti issues CONF --- numbering style in footer lost when open the .ppt in aoo 2012-09-21
119780 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Text anchor is changed from Top to Center when open a pot template 2012-07-13
119843 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]:Shape and text color display different with MS office 2012-06-07
119878 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]:<Mac>Title Text overlap with other Text 2012-06-07
119891 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]<Mac>Text Overlap and Word split to 2 lines in text box 2012-06-07
119983 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress Font Change ignored when using Table Properties with multiple table cells selected w/different size fonts 2012-07-17
119986 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Custom Animation Failure 2013-04-03
120027 Impress formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Copy a page from sample file to another, the font becomes white 2012-06-19
120090 Impress formatti issues CONF --- slide transition icon of other slide in the slide thumbnail will be added when has set slide transition on the first slide. 2012-07-12
120093 Impress formatti issues CONF --- the arrow style box become ugly when right drag it in linux. 2012-07-17
120100 Impress formatti issues CONF --- there is bullet before no any content in presentation. 2012-06-26
120137 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Switch to master view and master pages is still in the thumbnail which is applied before but now don't use in slide. 2012-07-02
120232 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Bullets and numbering type can not be applied for all paragraphs automatically when change type for one paragraph in footer area in master view. 2012-07-10
120252 Impress formatti issues CONF --- The properties lost if change them against blank PPT. 2012-07-11
120264 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Animation effect applied the whole canvas of shape, not only the shape. 2012-07-12
120392 Impress formatti issues CONF --- ESC key doesn't work for ending show when I set presentation type to automatic and pause duration zero 2015-11-17
120487 Impress formatti issues CONF --- switch to master view and there is no content in thumbnail slide. 2012-08-08
120488 Impress formatti issues CONF --- the default slide template still exist in the "Used in this presentation" of master pages when apply another template for all slide. 2012-08-08
120489 Impress formatti issues CONF --- the character show different color when set different background color for slide. 2012-08-08
120508 Impress formatti issues CONF --- can play the hide slide in presentation. 2012-08-09
120916 Impress formatti issues CONF --- text's color change to white when copy text from presentation to MS Word 2003 2012-09-12
121004 Impress formatti issues CONF --- shift+tab have no effect in bullet&numbering 2012-09-18
121010 Impress formatti issues CONF --- the increase/decease indent toolbar button is disabled when focus on bullet of title text in first slide under outline view. 2012-09-18
121618 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress tables default font size (18pt) not editable 2013-01-14
122252 Impress formatti issues CONF --- An unexpected row will be added to table when you split twice 2013-09-09
122266 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Right click - Slide Layout yields no action 2013-05-09
123292 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Task Pane, Slide Layout, Custom Animations & Slide Transitions don't work (nothing happens when clicked) 2014-04-14
123597 Impress formatti issues CONF --- PPTX doesn't open in correct format 2017-05-20
124074 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Imported PowerPoint-Tables can not be resized 2014-01-21
124374 Impress formatti issues CONF --- In particular.ppt: when press tab,text is not moved. 2014-03-20
125015 Impress formatti issues CONF --- impress changes master page name when saving otp file 2014-05-31
34959 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Bullet point indenting broken on delete 2017-05-20
40638 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Automatic bidi-paranthesis switching differes in Writer and Impress 2013-08-07
53520 Impress formatti issues CONF --- When tabbing list to right using icon, the bullet type doesn't change and font won't get slightly smaller 2017-05-20
53747 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Formatting loss if focus changed while no text entered 2017-05-20
54369 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Impress gets confused when applying slide design with same name 2017-05-20
75744 Impress formatti issues CONF --- must resize text box two times before the resizing is effective 2017-05-20
94342 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Blank font size in table changes text incorrectly 2017-05-20
94388 Impress formatti issues CONF --- inconsistency in combo box and sample text in fonts dialog 2017-05-20
96264 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Font is Different Between Editing and Slide Show 2017-05-20
100080 Impress formatti issues CONF --- "Insert Row" misbahves if we insert 256 rows at a time. 2017-05-20
102108 Impress formatti issues CONF --- paragraphs with "proportional" line spacing <> 100% misbehave in Impress 2017-05-20
105568 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Split Cell Values accept negative number and special character. 2017-05-20
109479 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Text goes outside table when font size increased 2017-05-20
112963 Impress formatti issues CONF --- The Shadow of word hides behind the shape 2017-05-20
113951 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Change Case - Capitalize Every Word also copy (o)riginal 2017-05-20
114763 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Formatting Colors for table is not consistent with other table options 2017-05-20
114764 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Color value in Area Style/Filling for Table blanks out after moving to other option 2017-05-20
55047 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Spreadsheet runs off of Impress viewing area 2017-05-20
114761 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Area Style/Filling Option showing weird option "[ ]" for Table Toolbar 2017-05-20
114762 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Area Style/Filling Option is enabled for Area Style Invisible 2017-05-20
118458 Impress formatti issues CONF --- PPTX Shadowed text missing Shadow effect in Impress 2013-01-29
118633 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Text indent works wrongly with large value in a large text box 2013-01-29
118763 Impress formatti issues CONF --- undo can't work normally for line color of border in table 2013-01-29
118764 Impress formatti issues CONF --- undo can't work for borders in table 2013-01-29
126380 Impress formatti issues CONF --- impress does not use bullet set in slide master 2017-05-09
126687 Impress formatti issues CONF --- Borders can be made Negative 2015-11-24
12533 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Auto-size slide contents 2013-08-07
48440 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Moving multiple lines in a bullet list down doesn't work 2017-05-20
50405 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Outline View doesn't flow text to 2nd text block 2017-05-20
53317 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- missing text when animated 2013-08-07
53370 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- unbalanced bullet is used for some kind of list in PowerPoint file 2013-08-07
56104 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Selecting "Run macro" action causes message box loop 2013-08-07
56311 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- new measure objects get initial border distances 2013-08-07
65890 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Wrong display of table content 2013-08-07
67003 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Directional info in master slide not saved 2017-05-20
68936 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Notes pages formatting problem 2013-08-07
79254 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- arrowheads move itself 2013-08-07
81953 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- tools-options-language..."hyphenate without inquiry" unchecking box is ignored 2013-08-07
12219 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Page numbers cannot start at values higher than "1" - Importance see description 2019-04-05
15427 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Easier manipulation of slide backgrounds 2013-08-07
59573 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Conversion problem from PowerPoint, Fonts with same name 2013-08-07
75640 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Impress: in Chinese Windows, Chinese chars in unrecognised font should use Chinese font 2017-05-20
119881 Impress formatti issues REOP --- [From Symphony]"Ring Inside" style fontwork display wrongly as a half ring when opening a .ppt file 2012-08-24
120556 Impress formatti issues REOP --- [From Symphony]"Ring Outside" style fontwork display wrongly as a half ring when opening a .ppt file 2012-08-24
127357 Impress formatti issues REOP --- Apple Chancery font not displaying properly 2017-05-02
281 issues found.


File a new issue in the "formatting" component of the "Impress" product