Issue 61877

Summary: Capture screen (rectangular/polygon) and save/export
Product: Draw Reporter: raindrops <na1000>
Component: save-exportAssignee: AOO issues mailing list <issues>
Status: UNCONFIRMED --- QA Contact:
Severity: Trivial    
Priority: P3 CC: issues
Version: OOo 2.0.1   
Target Milestone: ---   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Latest Confirmation in: ---
Developer Difficulty: ---

Description raindrops 2006-02-10 05:34:03 UTC
Let the user capture the screen (rectangular/polygon) and save/export.

Detailed proposal:
Some modules of OOo (e.g. Writer) do not have the full set of drawing tools. For
example, Writer does not have connectors, glue points, closed polygons, etc.

As a result, sophisticated images cannot be created within those modules. 

Currently, the user has to follow an elaborate process:
1. Switch to Drawing (or Impress), 
2. Create the image using the tools that are unavailable in Writer
3. Save the image
4. Switch back to Writer 
5. Insert the image in the Writer's file.

This roundabout method can be avoided if OOo allows the user to "draw" a
rectangle/polygon on any part of the screen and captures that part of screen. 

Let the user save it as an independent image (while he carries on working with
the rest of the image). 

Let him also save it on the clipboard, so that he can directly paste the image
in an external application, or in Writer. (In this case, he may not want to save
the image separately on the disk.)

Note that the minimum capability is to capture the screen of a OOo module
(Impress/draw); but if OOo can capture any screen OUTSIDE its own window (e.g.
another application or desktop), it would be fantastic!
Comment 1 wolframgarten 2006-02-10 06:50:34 UTC
I assume that the OLE feature is not what you ment...
Comment 2 raindrops 2006-02-13 05:16:13 UTC
No it is not OLE: The screen capture would create a SINGLE screenshot of
rectanglular (or polygonal-) shape, which could include anything: text, several
shapes and ALSO the background. Everything would be flattened, so the original
objects no longer have separate existence. Therefore the screenshot can NOT be
edited in the original program.

In fact, the screenshot has no relation with the original objects it depicts: It
is simply an image that can be saved or put on clipboard.

Note also that this feature could be used WITHIN Writer itself (not between
Draw/Impress <--> Writer). For example, the user has a screenshot of the GUI of
an application in his odt file. But he can't use this screenshot to discuss the
finer aspects of the GUI. As a solution, he can use the screenshot of the entire
GUI to provide an overview, and then take smaller screenshots (e.g. buttons,
toolbars, panes, etc) of this main screenshot to discuss the finer aspects.
