Sun Jun 2 2024 11:43:50 UTC
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81 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
26573 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Incorrect presentation for long tables 2004-03-17
5142 Writer code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Table cells spanning (multiple) pages 2003-11-01
24968 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS DUPL Large tables copy&pasted from IE get cut off after some pages 2013-08-07
17628 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL WordProcessor freezes while adding more than one page of text to a tablecell 2003-09-08
18799 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS DUPL Serious Paste problem 2003-09-10
22256 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS DUPL problem with table layouts and copy&paste from Internet Explorer 2004-02-02
27754 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Only two pages of a 35 page Word DOC are seen 2013-08-07
34523 Writer formatti michael.ruess CLOS DUPL The "do not split rows" option in Tables does not work 2013-08-07
4693 Writer code stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Text inside tables dissapears 2003-09-08
6259 Writer ui stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Data tables having lot of data in one cell not shown properly 2003-09-08
8873 Writer code andreas.martens CLOS DUPL Table in writer can't split cells at page break 2013-08-07
7764 Writer code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Auto cell-break in multi-page tables. 2004-08-29
18593 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS DUPL html rendering problems 2003-11-07
23807 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS DUPL Error in cut-and-paste from Internet Explorer 2013-08-07
25764 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS DUPL Paste HTML copied from Internet Explorer 6.0 appears off screen 2013-08-07
4746 Writer code falko.tesch CLOS DUPL long table cells disappear at the bottom of the page 2010-06-13
23787 Writer code frank.meies CLOS DUPL text ommited in big table cells 2004-01-05
11096 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL BUG with copy-paste in relation mozilla-oo 2003-10-30
13060 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL word-doc: Unable to open this file correctly 2003-09-17
13688 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Word document that doesn't import cleanly into OO 1.1 2013-08-07
14818 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Tables cells can't span multiple pages in Writer 2003-09-08
16832 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Document is wrong displayed 2003-09-08
17108 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Table in Writer fails to handle text row that runs across page 2003-09-26
17730 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL only first page displays of 7 page Word or RTF document 2003-09-08
17742 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Page numbering inconsistency when opening HTML document 2003-09-11
17941 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL large table cell causes problems in pagination 2003-09-08
18131 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Imported MS word document not formatted correctly 2003-11-01
18296 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Adding more contents to a word document does not push page contents to next page. 2003-09-08
18534 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Problem when viewing MSWord file 2003-09-08
19420 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL problem with splitting of table in text document 2003-09-11
19422 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Problem opening ms word created resume 2003-09-11
20106 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Word 97 compatibility issues... 2004-03-18
20508 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL table can not be longer than one page 2003-10-01
20737 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL some text in tables lost 2003-10-06
21656 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL bug with table which contain cell with height more one page 2003-10-24
21822 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL table break at the end of page broken 2003-10-29
24155 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Fail to show a table bigger than one page 2004-01-07
24198 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Tables going off the 1st page 2004-03-18
24263 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL big column in Writer 2004-01-10
24904 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Tables spreading several pages 2004-01-29
25720 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Table in writer can't split cells with multiple character returns at page break 2004-02-20
28170 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Table with joined cells 2004-05-06
12823 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Word-doc: Error in displaying tables probably because the table is accross 2 pages 2003-09-18
15181 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Word-Import: Problems drawing table 2013-08-07
19045 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL text missing from Word doc in OO, not i MSWord (1 page worth) 2003-09-17
19433 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Compatibility MS Word and OO Textwriter 2003-09-23
19888 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Word doc with page sized table cell swallow data 2013-08-07
20644 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Word-doc: Layout problem No form is displayed 2013-08-07
22223 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Word-docs: Does not open Office files correctly 2003-11-12
23937 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Incorrect rendering of MS Word Document (Indents/Tables?) 2013-08-07
24193 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL fails to load "industry standard" (:-) document 2013-08-07
28305 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL OO Writer do not carry big table cells over to the next page 2010-11-10
28844 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Table cell refuses to cross page break properly as it grows 2004-05-07
31922 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Html dump in word, missing sections when viewed in oo. 2004-07-22
32302 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL OOo misses out section of Word import and beeps a lot 2013-08-07
34148 Writer formatti michael.ruess CLOS DUPL table cell content doesn't spawn accross page boundaries but hangs hidden at bottom of page 2013-08-07
34493 Writer viewing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Copy&Paste produces invisible text between pages 2004-09-22
34990 Writer editing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Table cell doesn't split in a new page 2004-10-05
35030 Writer viewing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Problems with viewing my MS Word resume using OpenOffice. 2004-10-07
35039 Writer viewing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL table does not warp when splitting rows 2013-08-07
35206 Writer open-imp michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Bad formatting 2013-08-07
35249 Writer viewing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL long tables don't break 2013-08-07
36239 Writer viewing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL About show big table, which was make in MS Word 2013-08-07
36879 Writer editing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Paste the overflow of content in a cell of a table gets hidden 2013-08-07
37566 Writer formatti michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Bad mojo with tables from word. Overflows margins. 2004-11-24
39496 Writer printing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Faulty page break when single-cell table exceeds page 2004-12-23
39670 Writer viewing michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Data lost 2004-12-30
39750 Writer open-imp michael.ruess CLOS DUPL MS Word Doc containing photos won't open correctly. 2010-11-11
43963 Writer formatti michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Writer-Table ; huge document. 2005-03-03
51547 Writer open-imp michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Only first 3 pages of Word Document are displayed 2005-07-04
56186 Writer formatti michael.ruess CLOS DUPL a table field larger than one page doesn't break span more pages 2005-10-18
5010 Writer code stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Pasting large amounts of text in Write results in some portions being truncated 2003-09-08
8384 Writer code stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Table rows don't "break" across pages. 2003-09-08
9557 Writer code stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL multipage text tables don't display correctly. 2003-09-08
9646 Writer code stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL error in table expansion 2003-09-08
11205 Writer code stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL tables no longer than one page 2003-09-08
33540 Writer code stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Error when tables are too big (pass under the page and not going to the next page) 2013-08-07
21779 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS DUPL Error copying html in a table into Writer 2003-10-28
23689 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Some text in table is hidden in a MSword doc, runs out of bottom page border 2013-08-07
6008 Writer code andreas.martens CLOS DUPL Writer: automatically split too tall rows over multiple pages 2003-09-08
19421 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Incorrect opening of a Word document 2003-09-12
81 issues found.


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